What is in the register
- plans for regular maintenance
- plans for revisions
- concrete maintenances within the determined plan of maintenance in the past and also in the future
Processes and connection with other systems
- timing of regular maintenance on particular day, week, month
- generating individual maintenances within the framework of determined plans
- system of notification for planned regular maintenance on set up time in advance
- confirmation of finished maintenance including forcing confirmation where any critical shortage, problems appear
- possibility to amend plans in case of changes of configuration in system or in legislation
Connection with other modules
- localisation of the place of regular maintenance
- presentation of the space where the maintenance is carried out with help of the picture in CAD
- include technology or property item, maintenance of which will be solved within the framework of determined maintenance plan
- definition of the suppliers and internal employees who will provide regular maintenance
Exports/examples of use (reports)
- overview of planned maintenance in a time graph
- statement of costs for regular maintenance for individual locations or costs centres
- technological cards for individual facilities
- arrangement of maintenance plans for different criteria as locations, technology, time, suppliers, costs centres
What questions does this model answer?
- Which regular maintenance do I have planned in the following period?
- What is the plan of maintenance for the particular technology?
- Where should be the maintenance done?
- Who will do the maintenance?