


What is in the register

  • summary of company's property/objects
  • the group of objects
  • types of objects


Processes and connection with other systems

  • using the property summary from ERP system in the organisation including data such as inventory and production number
  • the option to create the suggestion for the property discharge
  • the option of generating asset "transfer card" to assign asset to a certain person


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Connection with other modules

  • specification of localisation of the propertyku
  • presentation of localisation of the property with help of CAD
  • definition of the property owner
  • presentation of owned property at the employee card
  • the option to use property inventory list to generate statements of property used in the inventory
  • basis for the Module Property liquidation


What questions does this model answer?

  • How many pieces of assets do I have in the register?
  • Where is a certain asset based??
  • Who is the owner of a certain asset?
  • Which property and when has it been discard?


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