Slovenský plynárenský průmysl, Inc.
The main business activity of Slovenský plynárenský průmysl, Inc. is:
- transit transport of natural gas
- distribution, pipelines transfer and amendments of natural gas and its transfer to customers
- purchase and sale of natural gas
This business activities mean for Slovak Republic ensuring of fluent, safe distribution and supply of natural gas to Slovak customers, for European gas industry it means ensuring of continues and safe transit of natural gas from Russia to European market.
The most important asset of Slovenský plynárenský průmysl, Inc. is the ownership of transit gas distribution system and unique distribution system in Slovak Republic.
The most important asset of Slovenský plynárenský průmysl, Inc. is the ownership of transit gas distribution system and unique distribution system in Slovak Republic.
Department of Assets and Services Management in Slovenský plynárenský průmysl, Inc. doesn't have any comprehensive system for the management of large assets and for management of supportive processes which relate to main activity of Slovenský plynárenský průmysl, Inc. - transit, distribution, purchase and sale of natural gas. Slovenský plynárenský průmysl, Inc. need to have a comprehensive FM system integrated into current IT infrastructure with main emphasis on the integration of ERP system SAP and central service-desk CA.
ASP won in public tender for suppliers of FM system GTFacility in 2004. For the implementation of FM system in such a large company in short period until the end of 2005 it was needed dozens of people, good organisation and especially implementing the tasks in the work schedule of the project on time.
Tasks for the implementation:

The steps of the solution
After the implementation of Pasport and CAD modules it was started preparation of digitizing buildings and areas in all locations of Slovak Republic. ASP was managing this complex project of pasport processing of drawing documentation, physical control and typography in all parts of Slovak Republic.
After that it was processed pasport of technology in the buildings of Slovenský plynárenský průmysl, Inc.. CAD/GIS drawing documentation was on level of graphical objects of rooms-technology-plots interconnected with the text pasport of these objects.
HelpDesk-collection, realisation and control of all activities-requests of assets management.
In connection CA - established Helpdesk system-was implemented a system of collection and realisation of all incident requests related to assets management (during 3 months of its operation it was registered 1800 reported requests from entire Slovenský plynárenský průmysl, Inc. what is in average 30 incidents per day).
At the same time it has been implemented the system of generating activities for regular maintenance (planned repairs, maintenance,...) and its following resolution and monitoring. It has been established a few dispatching centres (based on location-regions and type of requests) for solution of requests in all parts of Slovakia.
Energy Management
In connection CA - established Helpdesk system-was implemented a system of collection and realisation of all incident requests related to assets management (during 3 months of its operation it was registered 1800 reported requests from entire Slovenský plynárenský průmysl, Inc. what is in average 30 incidents per day).
At the same time it has been implemented the system of generating activities for regular maintenance (planned repairs, maintenance,...) and its following resolution and monitoring. It has been established a few dispatching centres (based on location-regions and type of requests) for solution of requests in all parts of Slovakia.
Energy Management
Energy management.
In the process of implementation of the energy module all points of supply have been mapped in accordance with the energy type. The system of management of all energy meters and their exchange has been introduced. The system of controlling (financial and operational)of energy usage has been interconnected and composes a complexity to controlling CO module within SAP system.
In the process of implementation of the energy module all points of supply have been mapped in accordance with the energy type. The system of management of all energy meters and their exchange has been introduced. The system of controlling (financial and operational)of energy usage has been interconnected and composes a complexity to controlling CO module within SAP system.
Space Management - moving
Interconnection with HR module SAP won a system of current personal data and data about organisational structure Slovenský plynárenský průmysl, Inc. This system is connected to a current rooms list (people placing) and enables:
monitoring and optimizing of dislocated departments and people
suggestion and management of processes people and departments moving, these processes followed organisational changes and structure changes in Slovenský plynárenský průmysl, Inc
Interconnection with HR module SAP won a system of current personal data and data about organisational structure Slovenský plynárenský průmysl, Inc. This system is connected to a current rooms list (people placing) and enables:

Lease Management
Based on precise pasport of buildings, rooms and plots it has been implemented the system of contracts rental/lease/and purchase/sale interconnected with other relevant objects. The system generates and controls realisation of individual financial transactions from the contracts and connected with FI,SD, MM modules SAP provides real assets management of data of operation of these objects.
Based on precise pasport of buildings, rooms and plots it has been implemented the system of contracts rental/lease/and purchase/sale interconnected with other relevant objects. The system generates and controls realisation of individual financial transactions from the contracts and connected with FI,SD, MM modules SAP provides real assets management of data of operation of these objects.
Connection and integration to ASP system.
It has been realised on-line both sided connection with all relevant modules SAP. Their structure and concept of connection showed follow-up schema..
It has been realised on-line both sided connection with all relevant modules SAP. Their structure and concept of connection showed follow-up schema..

Company: Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, Inc.
Company: Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, Inc.
Location: Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Facility facts: There are around 600 buildings, 20.000 rooms, 100.000 technologies, solution of 1,000 incidents/activities per month.
Implemented module GTFacility
• pasport, CAD-GIS, technology
• cleaning, green space, disinfestations/disinfection, parking
• space management, moving
• HelpDesk, planned maintenance
• Energy management, Lease management
Implementation tools :
• pasport, CAD/GIS data performance
• IT infrastructure analysis
• interconnection with SAP, CA systems in Slovenský plynárenský průmysl, Inc.
Achieved operational advantages :
o actualisation of technical constructions documentation, advantage of work with drawing documentation in digital form
o central incidental and planned maintenance management
o central management monitoring of consumption and energy production
o control of processes related to expenses of buildings, in various locations and regions
Next system development :
o iimplementation of Module Inventory, liquidation and assets changes
o implementation of Module TelIT (management PC and phones)
o implementation of Module FM controlling
GTFacility integration :
SAP R3, CA, central The Land Registry Slovak Republic, online integration to external suppliers of management and maintenance of buildings