Živnostenská banka, Inc.
NThe oldest Czech bank founded in 1868 that represents the best tradition in bank sector in our country. Even though there is a difficult economy situation in the Czech Republic Živnostenská banka, Inc. is managing to keep high capital standard and receives the highest individual valuation among domestic banks from prestigious international rating agencies.
Živnostenská banka, Inc. is implementing a new strategy now. This strategy is supported by bank's new major shareholder UniCreditoItalianoS.p.A.(UniCredit) since 2003. The bank is sitting on three pillars, business segments and so personal and private banking, business banking and investment banking.
Živnostenská banka, Inc. is implementing a new strategy now. This strategy is supported by bank's new major shareholder UniCreditoItalianoS.p.A.(UniCredit) since 2003. The bank is sitting on three pillars, business segments and so personal and private banking, business banking and investment banking.
Technical department in Živnostenská banka, Inc. required to create a technical pasport of central building and branch offices. The bank also requested entire digitizing of all objects. The aim was to pasport all technical building's equipment.
After detailed analysis the text database with the register of buildings, rooms and all equipments and distribution elements have been filled with data. The digitizing of paper documentation of central buildings in Prague, branches and branch offices for each levels separately has been provided. The analyses started in June 1999 and operation begun in November 1999.
Contribution of the solution