


What is in the register

  • contracts - rental, services, other
  • clauses and attachments of the contracts
  • statement of rent and services payments (plan calendar)
  • spaces (areas)
  • payment orders for rent and services
  • economy subjects, accounts
  • payment conditions


Processes and connection with other modules

  • complete operative register of contract documentation including scanned originals
  • the option for creating a contract only by particular employee
  • setup of life cycle of the contract based on approved parameters
  • automatic generating of payment orders from payment calendar
  • invoice receiving, electronic approval, control against the contract about approved volume of financial accomplishment
  • automatic control of validity of supplier's contracts


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Connection with other modules

  • interconnection of contract register with construction pasportisation agenda (recent areas measurements)
  • connection of suppliers and their contracts with the building


Exports/examples of use (reports)

  • the list of contracts grouped based on type
  • pasportisation information in the contracts
  • the list of economy subjects, owners, tenants
  • payment calendars
  • payment orders for paying rent, services
  • comparison of payments with a plan


What questions does this model answer?

  • Where can you find particular rental agreement or agreement for supply of services?
  • Who is the partner for particular contract?
  • How many contracts are signed with the particular partner?
  • What is the financial volume getting from a particular type of contracts?
  • How much will be the rent considering valorisation?
  • What is the difference in area of rented space in accordance with pasportisation and facts in the agreement?
  • What is the plan for instalments for services in the next period?
  • When are the rental agreements going to finish?
  • What is the proportion of individual costs centres to the total amount of paid rent?
  • Which agreements with suppliers are momentarily valid?


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